Stay Together

Green (@ribbon_bear) が毎週好きな音楽ネタを語ります! Since 2011

MR. BIGに駐米日本大使から感謝状が届く

今日のビリー&エリックのツイートから判明しましたが、駐米日本大使からMR. BIG宛てにこの度の日本ツアーのお礼状が届きました!外務省もこんなに気の利いたことされるんですね。ファンの気持ちが届いたようでうれしいです。以下はその手紙と和訳です。

Embassy of Japan
Washington. D.C.
May 13, 2011

Dear Members of Mr. Big,

I have learned of your performance in Morioka to uplift those who have been affected by the recent tragedy in my country. On behalf of the people of Japan, please allow me to thank you, Mr. Eric Martin, Mr. Paul Gilbert, Mr. Billy Sheehan and Mr. Pat Torpey, for your compassion, efforts, and support at this extremely challenging time. I know that your presence meant a lot to those fortunate enough to hear you, and I thank you for standing with us.

Thank you once again for a touching gesture on behalf of the areas and people affected. We are truly grateful for the support of our friends around the world, and the tremendous goodwill shown to us. As we rebuild and recover, we are reminded everyday of the strong ties of friendship and solidarity. We will never forget this.

Ichiro Fujisaki
Ambasedder of Japan

Thank you very much! (in hand writing)


親愛なるMr. Bigのメンバーの皆様



