ビリー・シーンが今年の夏、MR. BIGで全米ツアー中に、The Hard Rock Hideoutのインタビューに答えています。初めて聞く内容や、興味深い部分をご紹介します。
HRH: With all the pieces of music written for “What If…”, will there be a couple more albums from Mr. Big in the future?
ニューアルバム"What If…”に向けて多数の楽曲が書かれたことを考えると、MR. BIGからはまだ何枚かアルバムを期待できそうだね。
BILLY: Back in the day it was tour, do a record, tour and do another record. There is no MTV now, so records take longer to sink in these days. Maybe we’ll tour for another year and next Summer we’ll do festivals. It’s hard to predict what we’ll do in the future. We’re just enjoying what is happening now.
HRH: How has the current tour of the States been?
BILLY: It’s been a blast! The tour has been easy and really cool. We started in Southern California, then went north, then went back west and down to San Diego. We have packed houses everywhere we play right now. We’re hitting it hard everywhere we go to play. It’s been great business for us, especially when bands are suffering on the road at the present time. After all these years, the Mr. Big records are still being played and people want to see us. There’s a lot of people who are happy to see us. After the shows, I hang out with the fans and sign photos, shake hands and we share our time.
最高さ!ツアーは心地いいし、すごくクールだ。カリフォルニア南部から始めて、北へ行き、西へ戻り、サン・ディエゴまで南下した。これまでのところ、どこのライブハウスも満席にしてるよ。どこへ行っても俺たちは真剣勝負で演奏しているからな。ビジネス面でも申し分ない。多くのバンドがツアーに出て苦労しているご時勢なのにな。これだけの年月が経っても、MR. BIGのレコードはまだかけられてて、皆が俺たちに会いたいと思ってくれるんだ。皆実際に会って喜んでくれる。ショウの後は、俺はファンと会って、サインしたり、写真撮ったり、握手したりしてるんだ。
HRH: After all these years, how important has Japan been to the success of Mr. Big?
長い歳月を経て、MR. BIGの成功に日本はどれほど重要だったの?
BILLY: Very important. We sold more records in the U.S. and Europe than we did in Japan. Many people think that it’s easy to go there (Japan) because we are Americans. I feel people are fixated on the mythological aspect of Japan due to Spinal Tap! (laughs).
とても重要だ。レコードセールスは、米国・ヨーロッパの方が日本より大きいけど。多くの人は俺たちはアメリカ人だから、日本で成功することは簡単だと思っている。俺が思うに、皆は日本の神話的なイメージに固執しすぎだよ、Spinal Tap(映画)を見たせいかな。(笑)
HRH: (laughs)
BILLY: Japan is a very different marketplace, as is Taiwan and Korea where we have many fans. I get more fan mail from Indonesia than anywhere else in the world! We hit it hard in Japan. A lot of bands toured there (Japan) and never got asked back again! We love Japan and are very grateful to the fans there for their support over the years. We hit it hard in Japan like everywhere else we go. We didn’t change our method of operation the way we approached Japan. We shook hands, signed photos and took the time to meet the fans.
HRH: Is Eric Martin an underrated vocalist of Hard Rock?
BILLY: I guess he may be underrated by some and other moments very celebrated by many. The first time I heard Eric sing, I said that is exactly what I want! That is the voice I’m looking for! Eric has that smokey tonality about him, he is from the Paul Rodgers mold.
HRH: Can you reveal the funniest or craziest moment you experienced while touring with David Lee Roth?
BILLY: The “Dave Tour” was a string of craziest and funniest moments! That was one big and amazing time of my life. That whole part of my life is a book in itself! Dave was and still is my hero. I will always be thankful for Dave giving me that opportunity. Steve (Vai), Gregg (Bissonette) and I like to reunite for Christmas. We once reminisced about it all. We called Dave once when we were together and couldn’t find him! (laughs).
HRH: As you tour with Mr. Big in 2011, does it feel like old times or is there a new-found fire burning?
2011年のMR. BIGツアーでは、昔の頃のような感じかい?それとも新たな炎が燃えるような感じ?
BILLY: Definitely a new-found fire burning. I believe all of us (in the band) are people enjoying our lives now. When we were younger, there was more pressure on us to succeed. I spend more time now playing and working on my bass, than any other time in my life. It’s the same with Paul and Pat, they would tell you the same thing. We absolutely love what we’re doing right now, we feel very lucky and fortunate. We rolled the dice and it came up sevens!
ヴァイ先生とオリジナルメンバーでデヴィッド・リー・ロス バンド再結成っていつかあるんでしょうか。これがあったら、凄いなぁ~。